Vienna Roller Derby, the first Roller Derby Team in Austria turns 10 and wants to celebrate a decade of hard hits, sweat, tears, laughter and team spirit!
Roller Derby is a full contact sport on classic quad roller skates that first found its way to Vienna in 2011 thanks to a small, motivated group of people. Since its founding VRD has transformed into a vibrant organization with at times over 80 members (skaters, referees and volunteers), two internationally competitive teams, a one of a kind Fearleader squad and very well attended home games with an amazing fan crowd.
We won’t lie, the pandemic hit derby especially hard in the face because of its nature of being A: a full contact sport and B: relying heavily on the DIY spirit of its members. It will take time to rebuild and strengthen our community again. We will use this time of change as an opportunity to rethink certain structures we have been fostering in the last 10 years and come back stronger as humans, athletes and league as a whole.
To celebrate everyone who contributed to Vienna Roller Derby in the last decade we are inviting you to hit the dance floor with us ON SKATES! Garage Grande will open its doors for us to host a little Rollergaragendisco. Since we are still in a pandemic it will not be as big as you may remember the wild VRD parties from the past but we will make the absolute best out of the situation! Garage will offer us a weathersafe space (roof over our heads but still open to all sides!) that still provides enough fresh air to make the gathering suited for Corona times.
On the 3rd and 4th floor of Garage Grande the following will await you:
=> Rollerdisco with rental skates by WIFA
=> Dance support from Powerjam Skate Vienna
=> Drinks & Shots served by the one and only Fearleaders
=> Info stand with VRD Merch
And the best: it will be a free event! All we ask for is a pre-registration to follow the current event regulations, enable contact tracing and plan ahead so everyone feels safe and has a good time.
2,5G rule applies until further notice! Places are limited.
Looking forward to roll and groove with you!
No hitting this time :).
Derby Love,