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Vote for VRD to win the Vereinstausende...

Vote for VRD to win the Vereinstausender

ING DiBA is giving away EUR 1000,- for various clubs in Austria as part of its project “Vereinstausender”. We are one of the partaking clubs and we want this money! Why do we need this money? Because first, VRD is growing bigger and bigger, we have a new aspiring Newbie class coming up and they […]

Home bout 14.03 vs. Dresden Pioneers

Home bout 14.03 vs. Dresden Pioneers

When? 14.03.2015, doors open at approx. 17.00, bout starts at 18.00 Where? Perchtoldsdorferstraße 1, 1230 Wien Tickets? 7€/person – kids under 12yrs get in free and those are your options 1) Send a mail to and pay with paypal over the button on our homepage ( on the right side) – 200 Tickets will be […]

VRD Radio Feature airing on Internation...

VRD Radio Feature airing on International Women’s Day

On Sunday 8th of March it’s International Women’s Day and for that reason Radiofabrik will be broadcasting the Radio Feature done by Momente des Sports (which also won the Radiopreis der Erwachsenenbildung) again at 12:00 noon – here is the link to the livestream.

VRD vs. Bembel Town Rollergirls

VRD vs. Bembel Town Rollergirls

Last weekend, on February, 28th we went to Frankfurt to bout against the girls from Bembel Town Rollergirls and what a nerve-wracking game that turned out to be!! Two jams before the end of the game it seemed like Bembel Town was about to win, when Zandy Zunder saved the day and scored the final winning points […]

Recruting Day 15.02

Recruting Day 15.02

After the bout is before the bout, if you saw us play this weekend and are now thinking – how can I join this awesomeness, this is how you can: When? 15.02, from 14.00-16.00 Where? Dusika Sport & Fun Halle, Engerthstrasse 267-269,1020 Wien What do I need to do? sign up here,, please tell us […]