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Season Finale Doubleheader 4.6.2016

Season Finale Doubleheader 4.6.2016

The last bout of the spring season will be a doubleheader between Munich Rolling Rebels and Vienna Roller Derby and Vagine Regime Central Europe playing themselves in orange vs. grey. Halftime show by the Fearleaders Vienna and performances by the Musikarbeiterkapelle and the choir IM ERNST. ***When: 4th June 2016 ***Where: Stadthalle B (Vogelweidplatz 14, […]

Here you can see our “Beasts” after their bout against the Alp’n Rockez in Bozen on the 7th of May   If you want to see pictures of the latest home bouts in Vienna on the 30st of April, follow the links below: VRD Beasts vs. Prague City Roller Derby B: Pictures VRD vs. Paris […]

VRD vs. Gothenburg Roller Derby

VRD vs. Gothenburg Roller Derby

The second homebout of the season will be VRD vs. Gothenburg on the 19th of march 2016 at 6 pm.   ***When?*** 19.03.2016 Doors open at 17:00, starting at 18:00 ***Where?*** Sporthalle Liesing, Perchtoldsdorferstraße 1, 1230 Wien ***Tickets?*** +++++SOLD OUT+++++ ***After teh bout*** Afterboutparty: 22:00 at Weberknecht (upstairs). Further details will be anounced. With lots […]

VRD vs. Barcelona Roller Derby

VRD vs. Barcelona Roller Derby

Save the date for Vienna Roller Derbys first homebout of this 2016 Spring Season!! On Febuary 6th we will face our opponents of Barcelona Roller Derby in a homebout here in Vienna, that you surely do not want to miss! ***When?*** 06.02.2016 Doors open at 17:00, starting at 18:00 ***Where?*** Sporthalle Liesing, Perchtoldsdorferstraße 1, 1230 […]

VRD vs. Roller Girls of the Apocalypse

VRD vs. Roller Girls of the Apocalypse

The time has come for our only homebout here in Vienna this fall! So get your tickets ready and be excited for when Kaiserslauterns Roller Girls of the Apocalypse meet your beloved beasts of Vienna Roller Derby! Where? Perchtoldsdorferstraße 1, 1230 Wien When? 28.11.2015 17:00 doors open, 18:00 starting whistle! Tickets? SOLD OUT  +++ AfterboutPARTY […]